Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wednesday of Holy Week-"It Is Finished!"

Mental Prayer Meditation

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: To know how to be a real success.

Mental Picture (cf. John 19:30): Jesus a most colossal failure! God sent Him to be King, Savior, Judge, and the glory of all men. The angel Gabriel said to Mary, "The Lord God will give Him the throne of David, His father." To the shepherds the angels sang, "Today is born to you a Savior." Simeon the prophet said, "He will be the glory of God's people." Jesus Himself claimed before Pilate that He was a king.

But see Jesus now. A king? Only in mock­ery. A Savior? Abandoned and lost. The source of life? Almost dead! The glory of men? Himself judged, convicted, executed in the most horrible fashion.

And yet, what is He saying? "It is finished!"

The work you, my Father, gave me to do, I have done. Your will I have followed! Your friendship I have brought to men.

My Personal Application: "It is finished!" This is no cry of failure - this is a cry of triumph. "It is done!" If I was afraid to follow my King to death - afraid of failure - here He is now telling me it has all been planned.

This is part of the battle plan. This is the important part. And battle is won. What went on in Christ's mind the moment before He said, "It is finished"? All His life He looked to this moment and now it has come.

I Speak to Christ: My King, when I come to die, let me be able to say, "It is finished." Let mine be the joy of work well done. Let mine be the glory of the cross, the triumph of the cross. Let me be able to say with you: "I have finished the work you gave me to do."

Thought for Today: "I have done the task you gave me to do."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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