Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mental Prayer for the First Friday of March

What Makes the World Go Round

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: To realize my possibilities of making reparation to the Sacred Heart.

The Idea: You have heard it said: "Love makes the world go round." This is far truer than we realize. When we love something, we want it, don't we? Well, should God stop loving - ­wanting - things, they would, faster than a snap of the fingers, simply cease to be. If God stopped loving the world, the world would stop - and vanish. Do I realize then that God loves me constantly? God so much loves me that He became man for me; and to remind me of His love, Christ gave to me the devotion to His Sacred Heart, the symbol of love.

My Personal Application: What return of love do men give to Him? From my own experience, of myself and of what other men do, I know that the return is mainly one of indifference and even of rejection. Can I help change that return, by telling our Lord that I want to make up for the coldness, the indifference, the hate of so many men? Can I help repair the injury done... by my prayers... by my expressions of loyalty in place of betrayal... by a few extra ejaculations, a few minutes before the Blessed Sacrament, a Mass more devoutly heard, a Holy Hour once in a while, the Litany of the Sacred Heart... and by so many other prayers? Can I? Shall I?

I Speak to God: To speak to you is a prayer, Lord, and here I want to make that talking a prayer of reparation for the neglect you so often have to endure. Love makes the world go round... help me to get into that circle by giving back to you what you continually give to me.

Thought for Today: Love makes the world go round.

Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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