Monday, May 07, 2007

Oct 7-Worldwide School Children’s Holy Hour

Connie Schneider is a Board of Trustees member for the World Apostolate of Fatima in the United States, and also the new National Chairwoman for Children’s Programs.

She says that two new programs for children have been adopted:

A Worldwide School Children’s Holy Hour to be celebrated each October 7th Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and or around the feast day as it lands on different days etc.

The promotion of Eucharistic Adoration for Children.

She says that her local diocesan division has been working since the “Year of the Rosary” to promote this School Children’s World wide Holy Hour, and she is working to bring these programs to not only a National but also to a worldwide level.

Pope John Paul II gave his blessing on this World Day of prayer of Children in 2004, and Benedict XVI has likewise given his blessing to this year’s event, which will be publicised on EWTN.

If you would like to promote this event in any way please feel free to contact your local Catholic school, your diocesan bishop, etc. It is hoped that this will be a worldwide event.

Connie Schneider can be contacted at:

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