Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Meditation for March 12, Barabbas, the Thief

When the name Barabbas appears in the Gospel, St. John uses only one qualifying word - thief.

Do you want to know who Barabbas was? He was a thief.

Suppose that in the Book of Life, where each action is inscribed with its true value, my name bore a like identification: "Mother so-and-so," "Sister so-and-so," thief.

What! You are joking! You would not compare me to a cor­rupt robber, to this highwayman notorious for the worst crimes.

Be careful! Don't be too hasty in your judgment! There are many ways of being a thief. One can live as a thief or gangster, stealing on the sly, and yet continue to appear innocent before the public and authorities. The merchant who imperceptibly puts his finger on the scales to increase the weight is a thief, isn't he? He is a thief, not in the same degree as Barabbas, of course, but a thief just the same.

Yes, I am afraid to understand. When I deduct, without per­mission and through pure neglect, one minute, several minutes, more perhaps, from the time prescribed for prayer or spiritual reading.... Thief! When I nibble at the reputation of my neighbor or the authority of the superiors, I take something that does not belong to me.... Thief! When I appropriate for my personal use, with neither right nor permission, what has been given for general use...when...when....How many occasions there are! They fairly swarm about us. And those things are true of me! Thief! Thief! Thief!

Never before did a meditation on Barabbas seem so useful!
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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