Monday, August 25, 2008

Catholic "pagans" continue to mock the Church-Bishops in hiding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, while claiming to be “an ardent, practicing Catholic,” publicly on national TV asserted that Church teaching on when human life begins is unclear. This is a blatant lie from an apostate whose eternal soul is in dire jeopardy. And in her public obstinacy, spineless shepherds confirm her in sin and scandal by their tacit approval by refusing to deny her Holy Communion as required by Canon 915.

Tom Brokaw asked Pelosi the Pagan:
“Senator Obama saying the question of when life begins is above his pay grade, whether you're looking at it scientifically or theologically. If he were to come to you and say, ‘Help me out here, Madam Speaker. When does life begin?’ what would you tell him?”

Here is the pagan's response:
“I would say that as an ardent, practicing Catholic, this is an issue that I have studied for a long time. And what I know is, over the centuries, the doctors of the church have not been able to make that definition. And Senator -- St. Augustine said at three months. We don't know... And so I don't think anybody can tell you when life begins, human life begins. As I say, the Catholic Church for centuries has been discussing this, and there are those who've decided...”
What more could any "faithful" bishop need to tell this apostate that the time is now to repent or avoid presenting oneself for Holy Communion?

This is utterly disgusting that such an ardent promoter of the culture of death is permitted to publicly claim to be an "ardent, practicing Catholic" while so many Catholic bishops remain silent and refuse to safeguard the Body of Christ from such evil. What cowards! Are they clones of Judas?

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