Tuesday, March 16, 2010

NEW ABORTION SCANDAL at Catholic College

From America Needs Fatima:
Ask this Catholic college to take Planned Parenthood off its web site - sign your protest here

The University of Detroit Mercy - a Catholic institution - lists Planned Parenthood on its web site under "Career & Professional Resources." Another pro-abortion group called the National Organization for Women (NOW) is also listed.

SIGN THIS E-PROTEST to get these listings removed

-- Fact #1:

Further investigation shows that Dr. Jane Schaberg, Professor of Religious Studies at the same university is a member of NOW and the dissident group Catholics for Free Choice.
Hard to believe. But it gets worse.

-- Fact #2:

Referred to as a "feminist biblical scholar," Prof. Schaberg authored a blasphemous book, first published in 1987, titled: The Illegitimacy of Jesus: A Feminist Theological Interpretation of the Infancy Narratives. The offensive work argues that Jesus was not conceived by the Holy Spirit, but most likely the offspring of a r a p e.

-- Fact #3:

On page 95, the book states: "…Mary, in the tradition Luke inherited, experienced a disaster worse than barrenness: sexual violation."

As far as I know, Prof. Schaberg has not publicly retracted this opinion. Her book is still available online through Amazon. Yet, she continues teaching religious studies.

Your instant protest message will go directly to Fr. Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J., the president of the University of Detroit Mercy, urging him to remove every mention of Planned Parenthood from the university's web site.

I'd like to mention our recent victory at Rosemont College. Yes. In fact, Planned Parenthood was DELETED from the college website in less than 24-hours after we launched our protest.

A second victory is possible.

Will you help me ramp up this protest?

Let's delete Planned Parenthood - right now - here

And to give this peaceful effort much more impact, help me spread the word by forwarding this message to your pro-life friends (or even your entire address book).

With God's help, the truth will triumph.

Sincerely in Jesu et Maria
Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    We'll find out if Fr. Stockhausen, S.J. is suffering from Moral Retardation. Dr. Schaberg needs to be shown the door and a good swift kick in the behind.


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