Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Speaking of dissent in St Louis....

...See some the latest plans of a local group's 'brain'storming session:

Building an alternative:
House Church liturgies
Women presiding as deacons
Book Group
Experimentation with liturgy

Prophetic Witnessing:
October Conference on Women in Ministry
Actions on women's feast days (Mary Magdalene, St. Teresa, etc)
Compiling a registry of local women called to ordination
Actions during local masses (using WOC's fake dollar bills, etc.)
Visits & letters to bishops (including retired bishops)

In parishes
Using ordination videos
Field trips to alternative Catholic institutions
Great! As if there isn't already enough experimentation with the Liturgy, some people are planning even more! And I'm curious to see women 'presiding' as deacons.

Pity the money counters at parishes who will have to separate the phoney money from the Sunday collection. What a way to express oneself - be a burden to others!

I can't wait to see the list of women who have been "called" to the priesthood. Next, maybe we will see a list of men who feel "called" to motherhood?

Prayer, fasting and reparation - Lord, allow these people to trust in You and in Your Church.

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