Thursday, May 13, 2004

Another Archbishop sets rule on the Holy Eucharist

Archbishop John G. Vlazny, leader of 298,000 Roman Catholics in Western Oregon, has declared that any Catholic, politician or not, who is publicly at odds with serious church teaching should refrain from taking Holy Communion.

"Catholics who publicly disagree with serious church teaching on such matters as abortion or same-sex marriage should refrain from receiving Holy Communion," he wrote in his May 6 column. The phrase "publicly disagree" means just that he said, not speaking privately to family or friends.

"Catholics who are not in communion with the Church (for example, divorced and remarried Catholics who have not received annulments from previous Catholic marriages) must similarly refrain from receiving the Eucharist," he wrote. "All Catholics in the state of mortal sin who are unrepentant also should refrain from the reception of the Eucharist."
Article here.
One will notice what appears to be a major accomodation, however, in this statement:
Should Catholics who choose to vote for pro-choice politicians refrain from reception of the Holy Communion? If they vote for them precisely because they are pro-choice, I believe they too should refrain from the reception of Holy Communion because they are not in communion with the Church on a serious matter. But if they are voting for that particular politician because, in their judgment, other candidates fail significantly in some matters of great importance, for example, war and peace, human rights and economic justice, then there is no evident stance of opposition to Church teaching and reception of Holy Communion seems both appropriate and beneficial.
Is not the defense of INNOCENT life non-negotiable? Is it not confusing and scandalous to equate these other 'social justice' issues with the issue of abortion? Is it not a sin to vote for a pro-abortion politician?

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