Monday, November 15, 2004

Silenced priest warns of homosexual crisis

...attempts by the Rev. James Haley, 48, to persuade his bishop of the problem have backfired. After hearing from the priest about numerous instances of homosexual activity among diocesan clergy, Arlington Bishop Paul Loverde ordered the priest silenced Oct. 23, 2001. This "precept of silence" — usually only employed during church trial proceedings — is rarely used to silence a whistleblower.

The Catholic priesthood is demoralized, he says, by groups of homosexual clerics who control who gets admitted to seminary, which men get nominated for bishop and which priests get the plum parishes.

Based on his 17 years in the priesthood, he estimates that 60 percent of the Diocese of Arlington's 127 diocesan priests are homosexuals, which is high compared with national estimates of 30 percent to 50 percent from other authorities on the priesthood.

"I am astounded the bishops will protect these guys, promote them, even make them bishops," he says. "This is a huge moral issue, and if the bishops aren't clear on this, the pope needs to rule on it.

"People will say there's nothing wrong with homosexual priests as long as they are celibate. Well, that is a totally naive statement and totally wrong."

Father Haley is "a good man and a good priest," Father Gould said. "I am very concerned for him. It is still my hope to have him back in the priesthood, and he is always welcome with me." (Rev. James R. Gould, is the former vocations director for the diocese and a frequent guest on EWTN's coverage of the USCCB meetings.)
The failure to purge the priesthood of homosexuality has yet to be addressed - But fear not, for we can wait for the National Review Board to "study" the abuse crisis to determine a "cause" and report back in a year or so. The advice of Bishop Bruskewitz was ignored years ago when he suggested that a look at dissent and homosexuality was needed to fully understand the matter.

God, have mercy on us and spare us from those who have infiltrated the Church in order to destroy her!

Complete article is here.

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