Monday, January 17, 2005

Spokesman for Archbishop of Canterbury OKs Euthanasia

When contraception is deemed appropropriate as the Anglican Church decided in 1930, it should not come as any surprise when other evils are permitted - or even encouraged - abortion, homosexuality, and now euthanasia...
LONDON, January 17, 2005 ( – A representative of the Anglican Church’s Archbishop of Canterbury said that there are “strong compassionate” grounds for allowing euthanasia in some cases.

“There is a very strong compassionate case for voluntary euthanasia,” Robin Gill, a chief adviser to Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, said Saturday, according to a report. “In certain cases, such as that which involved Diane Pretty [the woman who was terminally ill with motor neurone disease and who campaigned for the right to be helped to die], there is an overwhelming case for it,” he said.
This should be called by its right and proper name - murder. Both faith and reason tell us that euthanasia is a crime against nature - it is never justifiable for the fact that only God has the right over man 's life and death.


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