Monday, February 28, 2005

Risks to women in embryo cloning...

...women's health advocates like us do support most embryo stem cell research and also support the use of otherwise-discarded embryos from fertilization clinics. However, we have deep reservations about the embryo stem cell research that involves somatic cell nuclear transfer. Also referred to as embryo cloning, research cloning, or ''therapeutic" cloning, this type of research is specifically called for in the recent legislation introduced in Massachusetts.

Omitted from the polarized debate is any discussion of the thousands of women who will need to undergo egg extraction procedures for such embryo cloning. A primary concern is the substantial risks to women's health posed by the extraction procedure and the inability to obtain true informed consent from egg donors given the current lack of adequate safety data.

Because we have such an incomplete picture of the risks to women's health, any responsible stem cell research plan would specifically postpone embryo cloning research with human eggs until better data make true informed consent possible for any woman considering the donation of eggs for research.
"We fully support this IF we are not harmed in the process", is what I gleaned from this article. Some ARE more equal than others...

Article here.

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