Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Young People Love the Pope Because of His Moral Stands

TORONTO, April 5, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Since the death of Pope John Paul II, media is awash with commentators talking about his influence. An especially consistent theme is the surprise that the Pope, who is portrayed as a severe moralist, should be so especially loved by young people. Media commentators show a consistent tone of perplexity that a man who was known for his uncompromising stands on moral issues would have such wide appeal for youth who are portrayed as dedicated hedonists.
Far too many media commentators, as well as others, do not seem open to the beauty of truth or the wisdom of God as demonstrated in morality and the natural law.

People and the youth, especially, love the Holy Father because he challenged them to follow Christ Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John Paul II constantly reminded us of Christ's love for us and that we should strive for the sacred, for the holy.

More here.

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