Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What is "Faithful Dissent"....????

Catholic Action Network, a local group of malcontents and dissenters, maintains that its members are "progressive" Catholics who are engaging in "Faithful Dissent", whatever that is supposed to mean. This position is maintained even while the group promotes and encourages efforts which are in direct opposition to the teachings of the Church. What does the group say?:
CAN is a network of progressive Catholics seeking justice both in the Catholic Church and in the world. To that end, our views diverge from that of the Vatican on some issues. We remain Catholics, supported by our mission statement:

The Catholic Action Network for Social Justice organizes grassroots actions which address the ever present need for a Catholic voice for social justice in the St. Louis community. It is an independent and inclusive organization that offers education, action, and prayer to work for social justice within the Catholic Church and in our world. The members of CAN provide a vehicle to the St. Louis community to put faith into action.

...as well as the Catholic tradition that supports the primacy of conscience, the initiation of the laity, and the option for Catholics, having fully formed their consciences, to dissent from 'official' Church teaching:

It belongs to the laity, without waiting passively for orders and directives to take the initiative freely and to infuse a Christian spirit into the mentality, customs, laws, and structures of the community in which they live.
Pope Paul VI, 1971

The Vatican Council declares that the human person has a right to religious liberty. Freedom of this kind means that all [humans] should be immune from coercion on the part of individuals, social groups and every human power...
Vatican II Council’s Declaration on Religious Liberty, 2

... [D]issent is possible because the teachings mentioned in the canon can be and de facto have been mistaken. To search for the truth is everyone’s duty and right (c748)
American Canon Law Society’s commentary on the 1983 Code of Canon Law
Of course, one of those intellectual giants upon whom it relies for its position is none other than the pseudo-theologian and "priest", Charles Curran...I refuse to call him "Fr." Curran as his positions are no different than those of any other heretic, apostate, or schismatic the Church has seen thoughout her history- while he may have been ordained a priest, he is one who should have been laicized decades ago as an heretic (IMO). He and others who believe in his prideful and arrogant rhetoric and dissent against the Church (and of Christ) will have much for which to answer someday...May God grant them the humility to recant their positions against the Church and may God grant me the charity to pray for their immortal souls.

Of course, CAN posts a recent Curran screed on the Church's moral teachings while repeating the idiotic reasons on how the Church has erred in the past in her doctines. Some of these have even been presented to me by the pastor of my parish as if he, too, was a Curran disciple...


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