Monday, November 14, 2005

Out Of Touch, Or, Out Of Mind?

Bishop William Skylstad, president of the USCCB, has used his newspaper column in the Spokane Inland Register to deliver an endorsement of “gay” clerics.

After a few general remarks about the synod in Rome, the bishop writes:
“Finally, I want to make a comment on the hysteria created about a rumored statement on homosexuality among seminarians and priests. The rumors have generated a tremendous amount of press, much of it quite negative. There probably will be a statement forthcoming, but from recent reports that appear to be accurate, the statement will be nuanced and balanced. There are many wonderful and excellent priests in the Church who have a gay orientation, are chaste and celibate, and are very effective ministers of the Gospel. Witch-hunts and gay bashing have no place in the Church.”
What is this "gay" orientation of which the bishop speaks? We know what a homosexual orientation is and that all of us are called to a life of chasitity, but the word "gay" denotes one who lives the homosexual lifestyle. One would think that the good bishop would know that...
In an article in Ethics and Medics, published by the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, Dr. John Haas, a moral theologian, once observed that “the Church teaches that if a homosexual has not chosen his orientation he is not culpable for it. However, he is always responsible for his deliberate actions even if they are influenced by that orientation.”

The “gay,” as opposed to the man afflicted with a same-sex orientation, celebrates the culture surrounding indulgence in homosexual activity, culminating in promiscuous sodomy.
Article from The Wanderer

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