Monday, January 02, 2006

Why Is the Novena Called "Irresistible"?

Regarding the Novena that we are requesting all faithful Catholics to fervently pray again this year for Archbishop Burke and his intentions as well as for the Arcdiocese, some have asked, "Why is this called the 'Irresistible' Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus"?

I was not certain but I received a response today. The answer is found in Padre Pio and the Sacred Heart
"...In a letter to one of his spiritual daughters of high virtue, Padre Pio wrote: "Do not ever lose heart when the tempest rages; place all your trust in the Heart of the most gentle Jesus. Pray and I might add, devoutly pester the divine Heart."

What he advised the souls he guided along the paths of high spiritual ascents, he was the first to put into practice and more than anyone else lived this intense devotion.

When the storms raged in his life which was filled with crosses, and to those who recommended themselves to his prayers, he placed all his hope and all his trust in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The fervent animation and luminous _expression of this confidence was the devout daily recitation of a prayer called the "Irresistible Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus." Why irresistible? Because founded on three solemn statements and promises of Jesus in the Gospel. Promises that are unconditional when concerning graces of a spiritual order; and that are conditional for graces of a temporal order if they are in accord with the plans and the will of our Lord for our good in time and in eternity."
Hat Tip to Mark S. for providing the link to the background...

A special thanks goes out to all who are praying this devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. If you know of any parishes or other groups which are promoting and praying this devotion please let email LRS so he can pass this on to those who began this annual devotion. Thanks again for your prayers and support.

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