The newly-elected pastor of Sts. Clare and Francis, Rev. Francis Krebs, is an openly gay former Roman Catholic priest. ECC presiding bishop Peter Hickman is the married father of five.For 13 years, Krebs was assigned as pastor to St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in the Soulard area. He served in this capacity as a Roman Catholic priest before leaving the priesthood in 1990. He states that he has been in a "committed relationship for the past seven-and-a-half years."

Jessica Rowley (left) and Lisa von Stamwitz
received a blessing from Rev. Francis Krebs and
Bishop Peter Hickman. The two are studying for
the priesthood. The little girl holding Rawley's
hand is a parishioner.
photo by Diana Linsley
Sts. Clare and Francis parish currently has two women pursuing the deaconate and priesthood, Jessica Rowley and Lisa von Stamwitz.Lisa serves (or served) as the Parish Associate at St Cronan's Catholic Parish with Pastor Gerry Kleba. (See the Archdiocesan web site here.)
According to the St Cronan Chronicle of September 2003 (PDF file), the Parish Newsletter, Lisa was hired as a "pastoral associate with responsibilities to support the spiritual development of children and youth." What sort of spiritual development did these children receive - Could it even have been remotely Catholic? The Sept 2003 Chronicle continues:
The Youth Commission reconvened this year. The commission met with Lisa to evaluate the past year and set goals for faith formation of children and youth for the coming years.What sort of choice in selecting one to teach children in the Catholic faith is this? Is there no regard for the Truth as passed on through 2000 years of the Church? Apparently teaching children the autehntic Catholic faith does not seem to be a high priority.
In addition, ECC Bishop Hickman, while in St. Louis, spoke with local clergy, including Marek Bozek. The Times Online article states:
"I wish Sts. Clare and Francis all the best, and congratulate the new pastor and the new candidates for ordination," said Bozek. "I wish there was a way that Sts. Clare and Francis could be part of the Roman Catholic Church, because I believe that what they are doing is very Catholic." (emphasis is mine)Why is it that certain people wish to call themselves something they are not. How does Bozek keep a straight face in claiming that ordaining women is even remotely Catholic? Or that living in a homosexual relationship is not gravely sinful but that there should be room in the Catholic Church for such "diversity"? Can we not call these things by their proper names, such as "rebellion against God and nature", "sexual deviance", "moral depravity"? Are there any teachings of the Church which are not subject to his own personal interpretation?
The complete article is here for your reading enjoyment.
A very special Hat tip to Harry S. for providing the link to this article!
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