Friday, June 02, 2006

State Mapping of the Pro-Death Culture

WASHINGTON, DC, June 2, 2006 ( – A new website launched by pro-abortion, and pro-homosexual rights groups ranks each of the United States according to a number of criteria including abortion and contraceptive access, and laws pertaining to homosexuality. The website, called Mapping Our Rights, ranks New Mexico and New York as tied for first place as the two most socially liberal states in the union, while South Dakota and Ohio are tied for last place.

The site has been hailed as a valuable source of easily accessible information for pro-life activists, and as a cause for pride for those working for the cause of life in states ranked lowest.

This site can be located here... IPAS states :
Complete with state-by-state rankings, “Mapping Our Rights” is an ideal tool for monitoring state policies. A resource that will help activists, journalists and researchers, it’s also for individuals who wants to know how their states — or a state they may relocate to — govern their bodies and relationships.

The site is a unique collaboration between Ipas, an international reproductive health and rights organization; the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; and the SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective.

In other words, this site is great for those who wish to learn where to go to facilitate the murder of unborn babies. Yet as God brings good out of evil, it serves as a great tool to see where work must be done to change the culture to one of love and life.

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