Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mental Prayer for August 30-Hope and the Goal

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: God, give me a clear idea of the virtue of hope and the strength to practice it.

The Idea: A runner in a race has one goal: the finish line. During the race nothing else really matters to him. He doesn't mind the discomfort of his running, for he knows that victory will be worth it all. He concentrates on keeping on the track, for he knows that if he goes off to either side, he might not finish at all.

My Personal Application: The. runner can teach me much about hope. For I too have one goal: heaven. During my journey through life that should be the most important thing I have in view. I shouldn't mind the difficulties, for I know that victory will be worth it all.

But I must concentrate on the right track. If I go off on one side, I will end up in presumption: thinking that even though I am careless about sin, God will see that everything comes out all right. If I go off on the other side, I will end up in despair: thinking that no matter how hard I try to be good, I won't succeed in reaching heaven.

I must stay on the right track: knowing that if I do my part, God will do His. Final perseverance is something to pray for.

I Speak to God: God, I can see how hope is a great help to overcoming difficulties along the way. The runner isn't certain about victory even if he tries hard. But I am absolutely certain of victory if I do my best to follow your instructions.

Thought for Today: Am I on the right track, am I staying the course?
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

Do you know that some day we won't have faith and hope any more? When we see God face to face in heaven, we won't need faith. When we possess God, we won't have to hope for Him any more. But charity - love - the greatest of virtues - that will never vanish. We will love God there as we love Him here. But there's a test of our love for God. Saint John says that test is our love -our charity- for our fellow men, our love for them for God's sake. Are we passing that test?

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