Friday, February 02, 2007

Mental Prayer for February 3, Christ's Respect for Authority

First Saturday of February (Also Monthly Check­Up)

Fifth Joyful Mystery (The Finding in the Temple)

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: To have Christ's view of obedience.

Mental Picture (cf. Luke 2:41-52): When Jesus was 12, He went with His parents to Jerusalem. He became separated from them, and only after three days of frantic searching did they find Him. His reason: special obedience to His heavenly Father had required this. But now things were to resume their normal course, "and He went down to Nazereth and was subject to them."

My Personal Application: This boy was God, with all power and all knowledge! Yet He was subject to Mary and Joseph, mere creatures! But why? Because all authority comes from God, and in obeying His parents, Jesus was obeying His heavenly Father!

One of the reasons Christ lived on earth was to set us an example. Here He shows me the proper respect I should have for lawful authority.

Do I endeavor to see the authority of God in the directions of my parents, teachers, public officials, my priest, my bishop, the Holy Father and all who possess rightful authority over me ? Do I criticize lawful authority - to the extent that I deny their right to command me?

Is the whole end and aim of my daily activity to do God's will? Do I realize that in obeying those having authority over me (in the things they have the right to direct me in) I am doing God's will... and thereby sanctifying myself?

I Speak to Mary: You who understood perfect obedience so well, help me to practice it faithfully. Obtain for me the basic humility to recognize God's dominion over me and to obey those who take His place in my regard.

Thought for Today: Jesus was obedient to them.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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