My first reaction (a rash judgment?) was that these were probably the same Congresscritters who also want bishops to keep quite about intrinsically evil matters the legislators support such as abortion, embryonic stem cell research, homosexuality as well as other morally bankrupt positions.
WASHINGTON - Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro and 13 other Catholic members of Congress released a letter Tuesday calling on Catholic bishops to help end the war in Iraq.Lest anyone forget, Rosa L. DeLauro and a cadre of 54 other so-called Catholic House Democrats outed themselves as pro-aborts last year (link).
"As Catholic members of Congress, we stand in unison with the Catholic Church in opposition to the war in Iraq," the Democratic 3rd District congresswoman said in a statement. "Yet to attain the ideal of peace, we must not only speak the words, we must take action."
As a result, she and her colleagues sent a letter to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, or USCCB, urging it to "mobilize Catholic opinion on this, one of the most critical issues of our time."
DeLauro was also the "ringleader" of the "group of 18" who recently condemned Pope Benedict for his comments regarding excommunication for politicians, saying it would “offend the very nature of the American experiment and do a great disservice to the centuries of good work the church has done.” (Source)
All good work the Church has done is being systematically destroyed by these politicians who thwart good to advance evil, all while claimimng to be 'devout, practicing Catholics'...
I can now conclude that my initial reaction to the radio report was justified and correct - this is an attempt by pseudo-Catholics to enlist the support of bishops to further their agendas...
The members want to meet with key Catholic officials. They reminded the conference that "throughout our nation's history, Catholics have been at the forefront of the fight for social justice. Now, at another critical moment, we respectfully urge the USCCB to join with us in mobilizing support for Congress' efforts to end the war."It would be a perfect opportunity for bishops to remind these "Catholics" what it means to be Catholic...and that there is a problem with a cafeteria style Catholicism as manifested by these people.

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