Friday, March 21, 2008

Meditation for March 22, The Beautiful Face of Christ

Facies tua decora, "Thy face is comely" (Canticle of Canticles 2:14). I have seen pictures of Christ reproduced from the im­print of His Face on the Holy Shroud. What majesty! What calm! Amidst the executioner's most savage brutalities; amidst excruciating sufferings; despite the spittle, the thorns, the sweat, the blood, how wonderfully serene is the face of the Savior.

I will contemplate it earnestly and at length. The Church urges me to ask God the Father not to forget to look upon the Face of His Christ that He may have mercy on us. Oh, yes, if I could not cover my mediocrity with the image of the noble generosity of Jesus, my divine Big Brother, of Jesus who has deigned to make my life a continuation of His own, how could I find grace before the Father?

This sublime invitation, Respice in faciem Christi tui, was not addressed to the Father alone, it was addressed to me. "O my child," it says, "look, especially in the time of sorrow when it is most fitting to meditate on the Passion, look upon the loved face of your Savior!"

In a well-known painting, we see Veronica showing to Mary the veil which Christ had used to wipe His adorable Face on the way to Calvary; on this blessed veil the features of Christ shine forth resplendent. Magdalen falls on her knees when she sees it. How well I understand her emotion!

"O Veronica, show me the Face of Jesus! O thou privileged soul, teach me what I must do that the image of my Savior may appear on the veil humbly woven from my generous deeds. And you, Magdalen, teach me the dispositions becoming to me, a poor child, before the image of my adored Jesus."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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