Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Prayers & Reflections for February 23

The Armor of God
Reflections and Prayers for Wartime

The Eucharist

In the Offertory we offered ourselves to God through Christ.

In the Consecration God accepted our offering in Christ and changes us into Christ.

Now in the Communion, Christ gives Himself back to me.

All life is sustained by communion with a higher life.

If the plants could speak they would say to the moisture and sunlight, "Unless you enter into communion with me, become possessed of my higher laws and powers, you shall not have life in you."

If the animals could speak, they would, say to the plants: "Unless you enter into communion with me, you shall not have my higher life in you."

We say to all lower creation: "Unless you enter into communion with me, you shall not share in my human life."

Why then should not our Lord say to us: "Unless you enter into communion with Me, you shall not have life in. you"?

The lower is transformed into the higher, plants into animals, animals into man, and man, in a more exalted way, becomes "divinized," if I may use that expression, through and through by the life of Christ.

[Continued tomorrow]
The Armor of God
Reflections and Prayers for Wartime

by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen
(C) 1943, P.J. Kenedy & Sons

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