Thursday, April 29, 2004

Will the U.S. be next?

Canadian Parliament Passes Homosexual Hate Crime Bill Threatening Freedom of Speech
OTTAWA, April 28, 2004 ( - This afternoon the Canadian Senate voted 59-11 for final passage of homosexual hate crime Bill C-250 which places the undefined term "sexual orientation" into Canada's already contentious hate crime legislation. The vote was recorded and a list of those who voted for and against the bill will be available on Hansard. The new provision in the criminal code could readily open up prosecution of individuals and groups who express views considered by courts to be "publicly inciting hatred"

In order to be found guilty of an indictable offence under the code, which carries a penalty of up to two years in prison, a person must communicate statements, in a public place, which incite hatred against an identifiable group in such a way that there will likely be a breach of the peace. Legal experts consulted by confirmed that the language in the legislation is loose and open to widely varying interpretation.
The efforts to stifle the truth continue...Article here.

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