Wednesday, May 26, 2004

An 'interesting' local liturgy committee

I find it hard to believe that in 2004 some of these things are still happening in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. I came across this quite unexpectedly when doing some routine checking of some sites for updates.

So still, there are lay people giving homilies and proudly, it seems, posting the schedule on the web (Click on Pentecost) explaining when they will be 'preaching' on Sundays. Here are a couple for this Saturdy/Sunday, the Feast of Pentecost.
Subject: Pentecost
Start Date: Saturday, May 29 5:00PM
End Date: Saturday, May 29 6:00PM
Summary: Presider: G. Kleba
*Lector: L. Hiseczynski
Preacher: M. Uline
Euch Mins: L. Meyer & D. Delay
Sacristan: S. Collins

Subject: Pentecost
Start Date: Sunday, May 30 8:00AM
End Date: Sunday, May 30 9:00AM
Summary: Presider: G. Kleba
* Lector: M. Martir
Preacher: M. Uline
Euch Mins: R. McLarney & L. Newbone
Sacristan: S. Collins

*For readings, visit the Liturgy Committee Website:
I also found the liturgy committee minutes quite interesting. As I am not sure how long they will be posted, I thought I would include them here below. I have 'bolded' what I thought were interesting tidbits of info:
Minutes -- Liturgy Committee Meeting
13 May 2004 7:05p

In attendance: Mary Lou Gavan, Barb Guilds, Madonna Kuciejczyk-Kernan, Diane Gozdzialski, Bill Barrett, Gerry Kleba, Stephen Dalay, & Sean Collins.

Unable to attend: Marilyn Unline, Anne Perkins, Martha Stegmaier, Sharon McMullen Orlett, Jean Snyder, Eileen Heidenheimer, Cathy Hartrich, & Julia Wimmer.

The meeting was called to order by Sean and Mary Lou led us in prayer.

Sean briefly outlined the genesis of this committee: it comes in response to a need described at the last Parish Assembly. He said that much of the liturgy at Saint Cronan’s is quite good, but there is a need for organization. He thanked Marie Andrews for her extraordinary work in preparing the parish for Holy Week on short notice.

Sean then went on to describe the basic organization of the present committee:
(A) There is a need for a concerted effort to make consistent (in terms of inclusiveness) the language we use in our common prayer. To that end, he described a need for work on (1) the Lectionary, (2) the Presider’s Prayers, (3) General Intercessions, and (4) the Creed.

He suggested that the first three items could be taken up immediately by the committee, but that the issue of the Creed would be tabled for the time being. There was a brief discussion of our use of the Renewal of Baptismal Promises in lieu of a Creed in the meantime. Sean will continue working on the issue of language and will post texts (readings, intercessions, and prayers) on the liturgy committee’s website:

(B) The second issue that needs the committee’s immediate attention is the organization of the lectors and the Eucharistic ministers. The current schedule expires at the end of May. Mary Lou and Barb have volunteered to organize these ministries and to remind ministers of their dates of service. A sign-up system will be presented to the parish the weekend of May 15-16 – with Sean making an announcement at 5p and Barb doing so at 8a and 10a.

(C) Julia Wimmer has volunteered to organize bakers in the community to provide homebaked loaves for our weekend liturgies. Bill Barrett is interested in baking. Mary Lou and Louise Lears have also expressed interest. Gerry offered freezer space on the second floor of the rectory. We should evaluate how this system works in June and then decide whether to suspend our order of “store-bought” hosts.

(D) Stephen Dalay ahs offered to organize gardeners in the parish to provide cut flowers through the summer and fall months. Dr. Warren Wimmer has offered his green thumb to this effort. Others need to be recruited. Flowers should be delivered to the side door of the church (opposite the rectory’s side door) in water before 3:30p on Saturdays. The 5pm Sacristan will take them in to the church and arrange them. This system will begin on Trinity Sunday (June 6).

(E) Diane G. offered to organize a rota of Sacristans for all three liturgies. Our aim is to have set-up completed 30-minutes before the start of the liturgy, so as to minimize the distraction of “busy work” for any who arrive early, and to free Gerry (or another Presider) to greet the community as it arrives. Sean has posted a checklist on the website for sacristans – please e-mail him with any corrections/additions.

(F) There was a brief discussion of issues of Art and Environment. Sean outlined plans for Pentecost, Trinity and Corpus Christi (May 30, June 6, June 13 respectively.)

PENTECOST: Sean will build a mobile to suspend overhead – utilizing three new red silk banners being made by Annie Scheumbauer and lighted votive candles. Two pieces of red fabric will be processed in before the Gathering Song (perhaps as the choir/community chants the Taizé Veni Sancte Spiritus) – these pieces of fabric will be draped on the Ambo and the Altar. Red ribbons on the T-bar stands – placed outside the doors. Candles at each window. (See Art & Environment document for Pentecost on the website.)

The Pascal Season ends with Pentecost – the “Easter” drapes come down after Pentecost – and the Paschal candle moves to the font in the chapel. “Ordinary” Time begins with two Solemnities that follow Pentecost.

TRINITY: A much simpler plan focused on the Rublev icon of the “Three Visitors to Abraham and Sara.” The icon will be processed in lieu of a cross – and copies of the icon will be given to everyone during the homily. Louise Lears is preaching that day and will use the icon in her preaching.

CORPUS CHRISTI: Sean admitted to being a little stumped as to how to mark this Solemnity. He suggested prominent placement of home-baked bread and a flagon of wine in the chapel at the beginning of the liturgy. Madonna suggested that we ask members of the parish to write reflections on how they (we) are called to be the Body of Christ. Gerry seconded this notion, adding that it would be a terrific way to mark Ordinary Time by noting the ordinary ways we are called to be the Body of Christ.

Those present all seemed to support this idea. We’ll solicit the first 8-10 reflections in time to be printed, bound, and distributed on Corpus Christi (June 13) – and Gerry will invite others in the parish to contribute their reflections which will be collected and distributed later in the summer. If you are interested in organizing this project, please let Sean know.

(G) OTHER BUSINESS: Madonna suggested that there might be the need for some gentle catechesis in regards to the “space” around the baptismal font – so that it not be ignored or treated in a secondary way. She reminded us that when the church building was redesigned (16 years ago) the baptismal font was purposefully placed beneath the window where it would be bathed in light. Sean expressed the opinion that baptisms should occur there routinely, rather than moving the font to the front of the assembly. While two of the three parts of the rite could easily occur “up front,” when it came time to “get wet” the assembly should move to the font. Gerry agreed.

There was also some discussion of keeping clutter under control in the chapel. Mary Lou suggested a “Clutter Control Patrol.” It was agreed that this was something we, as a committee, should keep an eye on.

Young people in the community who are moving forward to confirmation will be blessed on Pentecost – and will work with the music minister to lead us in the final song that day – a terrific way for us to end the Paschal Season.

(H) No time was set for the next meeting. We’ll see how the committee shakes down before scheduling it. In the meantime, there’s plenty of work to do.

Sean forgot to mention dance for Pentecost. Madonna and Kathy Davis will organize this – to occur during the offertory. Jean Synder is also interested. Others are welcome.
This is just way too cool! Maybe I could forward them the link to Son Dance Ministries?
Gerry led us in prayer to conclude the meeting at 8:30p.
Respectfully submitted: smc
Surely, all of this has been cleared with the Office of Worship or Archbishop Burke?

And don't forget to check out some of the great Liturgical Resources that are listed, such as:
Call to Action
The Inclusive Liturgy Project
Catholic Action Network

*** updated ***
It appears that sometime in June the links/web pages were removed. Maybe its all underground now and no longer PUBLIC on the web?

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