Friday, September 24, 2004

Catechists: instruments of God’s joy and peace

Archbishop Burke comments on catechists and states that his first responsibility is to teach the faith.
To put it plainly, I depend upon our catechists to teach the faith with integrity and, therefore, I have the responsibility to provide for catechists the ongoing education and formation which will equip them to hand on the deposit of faith to those whom they catechize.

This is a very good article and he explains just how we can find joy and peace:
Only when we have disciplined ourselves to honor the truth about our relationship with God, with one another and with the rest of creation, do we find abiding joy and peace in our lives.
We are also reminded that "Doctrinal formation goes hand-in-hand with spiritual formation." We must also be keenly aware that "the catechist teaches others the way of life which he or she lives. The catechist teaches Christ, in whom he or she lives." We must be properly formed spiritually as well as doctrinally.

The Archbishop's article is here.

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