Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Have you heard of this? I'm not sorry.net?

I'mNotSorry.net was created for the purpose of showing women that exercising their legal right to terminate their pregnancy is not the blood-spattered guilt trip so many make it out to be.

It is not intended to make women’s decisions for them, but to provide information to make the choice that will be best for them.

This site exists to tell women that it’s okay not to feel sad or ashamed after an abortion.

You are not a baby killer. You are not irresponsible. You are not selfish. And, above all, you are not evil.
The Evil One, the liar and the father of lies, the murderer from the beginning has enlisted the aid of others to speak with such confidence to humanity!
"The primary reason INS was created was that almost without exception all other story sites were full of regretful women. If a woman who had had a positive abortion experience attempted to post to one of these sites, they were turned down--even at the sites that claimed to be "neutral."
The site has posted many, many "stories" of "positive" abortion experiences - fulfilling the desire to murder the innocent - exercising a "right?" to deny God His rights and their children their rights to life.

The stories give an insight into the confusion and sin that enslaves these people. It is an example of the depravity that has taken over far too many people in this country and in others. Unfortunately, the millions of murdered children are not in a position (yet!) to tell of their "positive" experiences of being aborted.

Prepare yourself for anger and sorrow if you read these stories.

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