Friday, September 17, 2004

Why won't the Catholic bishops solve the 'gay priest problem?

The solution to that problem is simple and self-evident, according to Karl Keating, a lucid and sensible thinker if ever there was one:

"1. If a priest is ‘gay’ — living a homosexual lifestyle — he should be removed from ministry immediately….

2. If a priest is homosexual but not ‘gay’ — that is, if he is living chastely — let him continue in ministry until normal retirement.

3. Exclude from seminary formation and ordination any homosexual, whether ‘gay’ or chaste…. The latter should not sign up for ‘guy-only’ work that will have him living with other men (thus putting him into near occasions of sin)…. He should be encouraged to serve the Church in other ways…. If the priesthood in this country were healthy, little or no harm would come from ordaining chaste homosexuals whose homosexuality is kept private. But we do not live in ordinary times."
Of course, this suggestion follows the "KISS" principle (Keep it simple, Stupid) so there must be a problem with it. Perhaps, it needs more "bureaucracy" - perhaps a "task force" to study it for a few years. Maybe it is not "transparent" enough...

I can still see as if it were yesterday, Bishop Bruskewitz at the Bishops' meeting in Dallas asking for a special study of how homosexuality and dissent from Church teachings are a significant factor in the sexual abuse scandal - yet his intervention was voted down....Why?

Article here.

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