Monday, December 19, 2005

A Recent Letter to Fr. Bozek

Subject: You have been deceived...

Dear Fr. Bozek:

One would certainly hope and pray that you would eventually come to your senses before you discover that it is too late and that you have been used by Satan and others to divide Christ's Church. Since it appears (from your statements) that you are confused about Canon Law, it would seem to be ill advised for you to be discussing your thoughts, feelings, and interpretations of the law with others. It makes you look foolish - not a good image for a priest.

However, have you considered and given serious thought to these questions?:

1. How long will it be before the board decides that you are not "obedient" enough to them for them to keep you around, that they don't like something you are doing or saying?....

2. Do you think they are going to be faithful to you when they cannot be faithful to Christ or His Bishops?

3. How long do you think you will be at St Stanislaus, especially if somewhere along the line you upset 'parishioners' with certain remarks or deeds?

Long enough, perhaps, until they find some gullible, reckless, immature or rebellious 'priest' to satisfy their arrogance and pride and who will follow their dictates and commands?

Are you not rejecting your promise of obedience to your bishop and exchanging it for a promise of obedience (and more) to a lay board?

Many are praying that you accept God's grace and His will. While you may not understand why things are such as they are at this particular moment in time, do you not believe that Jesus will take care of things in His time? He certainly does not desire another Judas to betray Him and His Church. Jesus does not desire that you or others divide His Church as the Roman soldiers divided His garments.

Just as Our Lady at Cana told the servants (as you are) to "Do whatever He tells you!", all of us are obliged to do His Will rather than our own. Jesus was quite clear that He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him and that we are to listen to those whom He has established, ordained and permitted to be our pastors. If we reject those, we reject Him and He Who sent Him.

No matter how you attempt to justify your "feelings" about the matter and your desire to "do something", does Jesus want YOU - is He asking YOU - to rupture the unity of His Church? Do you really think you will be a hero in God's eyes for sowing disunity and dissension? I hope and pray that you are wise enough to understand that you will be following, not the path of Joan of Arc or Padre Pio, but the path of schismatics and heretics such as Luther and other revolutionists. Is this what Our Lord want from you? The clear and unambiguous answer is NO! Please don't try and deceive yourself or others with some other answer or justification.

Please reconsider your plans, not only for the good of the Church and for the souls of those who are now confused by your actions, but also for your own soul. Please return to your bishop and ask his forgiveness!

May our Blessed Mother protect you in this moment of crisis and guide you to her Son, Our Lord. May Mary Immaculate urgently remind you and move you to "DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU"! so that you will follow God's will and not your own will or the will of a rebellious board of directors. I pray for the Blessed Virgin's intecession on your behalf and your return to Christ and His Church!
Minor corrections, slightly edited...

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