Saturday, February 25, 2006

Another kind of "Catholic"? Hardly...

The full headline reads:
Another kind of Catholic: Breakaway groups reject Vatican teachings on issues such as priestly celibacy and divorce

The article is full full of examples and eupemisms of those professing a "faith" in something other than our Lord. Whatever it is, it is clearly not the faith as handed down to us from the time of Christ and the Apostles. Yet, confusion reigns as many continue to call thems "Catholic". But there is no such thing as a Catholic who rejects the teachings of Christ or His Church...If they can be called "Christian" is even open to debate for they have, it seems, come to adore themselves rather than the Creator. Their wills and desires supercede the will of the Almighty.
''Our motto is love without judgment, and that's piqued some curiosity,'' said [Terry] Villaire, a former Roman Catholic priest who's now a bishop in an independent Catholic movement...Villaire's small but growing 40-person congregation, made up mostly of former Roman Catholics, meets every Sunday at a Unity church on the Intracoastal Waterway in a shady Fort Lauderdale suburb.
"Most of us were born and raised as Catholics, and in good conscience I still see myself as Catholic," said Villaire, who conducted Mass in green and white clerical robes and a red silk miter.
Most may have been born Catholic, but it's obvious they were not raised as Catholics. This is just another example of a seemingly endless list of evidence of failed catechesis of the past decades.

One can only wonder why would they wish to call themselves "Catholic" when being Catholic is exactly that which they oppose? Is this not indicative of some sort of mental dysfunction?

The article from the Miami Herald is here.

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