Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mental Prayer for August 25-Faith: What and Why

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

Grace I Ask: To have a firm, meaningful faith in Christ.

The Idea: Where were you born? Who won the World Series in '39? Do Italians smoke cigars? What was the top-selling CD last month? To answer these questions you have to reply on faith; human faith. For you believe the truth of these ideas on the words of others who are (1) knowing and (2) honest, truthful. Every time you look at a sports page, read a history book, watch TV, you trust others. We would be mental midgets without a strong human faith; we would be considered fools.

My Personal Application: "As you have faith in God [the Father], have faith in me," said Christ. Have faith in what He tells us. Where can we find a person more (1) knowing and (2) truthful? For Christ, the God-Man is all-knowing, all-­truthful. Speaking to the Father, He said, "I pray for those who are to find faith in me through their [the Apostles'] words." We would be religious runts without strong divine faith; we would be fools.

I Speak to God: Lord, you told me so many things nobody else knows - things that are so important, so important for me. I believe you are one God in three Persons; I believe you are a real man, you died for us, you will be my judge; I believe all your Church teaches; I believe because you told me who "can neither deceive [you are all-truth­ful] nor be deceived [you are all-knowing]."

Thought for Today: He is all-knowing and all-­truthful.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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