Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mental Prayer for September 13- My Mental Prayer

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: Lord, teach me what real prayer is, that I may learn to pray well.

The Idea: When I really like someone, I like to be with him, I like to talk to him. Now I say I love God. Do I like to be with Him?, Do I like to talk to Him? I don't always talk to friends in fancy speeches written by other people. Then I shouldn't talk to God only in that way. If I want to get to know Him as a real friend, I must talk to Him often, personally, in my own words, about things I really care about, things that are important to me.

That kind of talking to God is known as mental prayer. It's the same sort of praying I ordinarily do after Communion or when I drop into the chapel for a short visit. If I'm not very good at talking to God that way, I just haven't gotten to know Him very well yet. I must start putting aside some time daily to try to talk to Him so I do get to know Him better. That's why I should spend at least 15 minutes in "mental prayer" every day.

My Personal Application: God is here with me now - waiting, ready to hear me. What is there now, today, that I most need to talk over with Him? My renewed resolutions to pray every day? My hopes to make this year the best of my life? Something I want or need?

I Speak to God: My God, you are here with me. Teach me how to come close to you, how to speak with you. Teach me to pray.

Thought for Today: Lord, teach me to pray.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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