Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mental Prayer for October 18-The Sin of Adam and Eve

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask : O God, let me see sin as you do, that I may never think it is worthwhile.

Mental Picture (cf. Genesis 4): Adam, bone-sore from a long day's hard work, is crossing a field when his tired eyes spy the blood-stained body of his son Abel. With a sharp cry of anguish he throws himself down to hug the lifeless form. "O God", he mutters, "what has that sin of mine done? My son dead... murdered by his own brother! Everything, everything has gone wrong. The joy and comfort that was ours in the Garden... now nothing but pain and hardship and sorrow. O God, O God, what have I done?"

My Personal Application: All the disagreeable things I endure - tiresome classes, fierce tempta­tions, drudgery of work, sickness and physical pain - all these exist because Adam committed that first sin. Because of original sin many people lack homes, food, clothing, the use of their eyes, arms, legs, even the use of their minds. And to think sin doesn't matter! How terrible sin must be if for but one sin God has punished not only Adam, but the whole human race!

I Speak to God: Dear Father in heaven, when I start to play with temptation as Eve did, or to do wrong out of love of someone else as Adam did, make me remember the consequences. Keep me mindful of my purpose in life so that you, not sin, will be what I always desire.

Thought for Today: Lord, teach me the price of sin.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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