"Gay" ministries such as the NACDLGM (National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries), New Ways Ministry, Dignity, and non-medically-based AIDS ministries have been operational at the national and diocesan levels of the American church for several decades now, with uniformly disastrous results:This critique confirms Mary Jo Anderson's column from yesterday. There is a major problem here."Gay" ministries transform parishes into political and propaganda cells for "gay" activism.The bishops should be discussing ways to eliminate these "gay" ministries, not perpetuate them.
"Gay" ministries discourage the individual homosexual from breaking with the Homosexual Collective that frowns upon "defectors."
"Gay" ministries recruit — like the Army — especially among vulnerable youth.
"Gay" ministries plunder parish resources — financial and otherwise.
"Gay" ministries undermine authentic Church teachings on Faith and morals.
"Gay" ministries systematically strip parishioners of every vestige of natural revulsion that the normal person experiences when initially confronted by sexual perversion.
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Guidelines are Fundamentally Dishonest and Pander to the Forces of Organized Perversion
Despite a veneer of God-language, "Gayspeak" is the language of the Guidelines.
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The Guidelines are replete with "gay" myths of "victim hood" and "injustice" and "hatred."
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Guidelines Hurt Homosexual Trying to Live a Chaste Life
The story which follows about Most Holy Redeemer Parish in San Francisco is utterly disgusting. It is a sickening example of depravity, perversion and corruption in the Church, promoted and abetted by priests and bishops acting as accomplices of evil. May God have mercy on us!

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