Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Who is this Msgr Robert Bussen?

A previous post on the ending of monthly Masses to celebrate one's homosexual inclinations left out part of the story from the article - that this priest had his own blog, which is, as I understand it from the article, no longer accessible.

We were informed that another blog, In God’s Image on Long Island, has been following this "out & proud" priest and the things he has written on his blog...

It's sad to see priests who are at odds with the Church to which they have chosen, for perhaps the wrong reasons, to dedicate their lives. It's sadder still, to see these same priests, reject the cross, and teach others what they feel and believe rather than what Christ and His Church teach. It's clear that many of these men had no vocation to the priesthood and because they lack a true calling from God in this special and necessary vocation, they are unable to carry out the will of God. They are utterly confused and lack the necessary graces to truly be shepherds to God's children. They do, however, need our prayers for nothing is immpossible for God.

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