CHICAGO, May 24 /PRNewswire/ -- The Rainbow Sash Movement (RSM) announced today that they will be challenging the practices of the Catholic Church's hierarchy on Pentecost Sunday, May 27. RSM members wear a simple 2-inch wide ribbon of rainbow colors across their shoulders, and respectfully present themselves to receive communion in Cathedrals and parishes across the nation.WHO is making the Holy Eucharist a source of division? Those who publicly profess and advocate objectively sinful behavior and scandal - those who wear the "sash"... If I were to approach the priest for Holy Communion wearing a shirt which advocated "safe sex" and the "always use a condom" message emblazoned on it, should I be surprised if the priest admonishes me to come back after removing the shirt, repenting, and going to confession?
Bishops have withheld communion from people wearing the rainbow sash in prior appearances by the RSM. According to Joe Murray, US Convener for the RSM, individual parishioners have taken it upon themselves to share their hosts with ribbon-wearing churchgoers, acts which infuriated the Bishops who could do nothing about it.
"Out of fear and their own homophobia," says Murray, "Church officials have chosen to go against their own teaching, that individual conscience is paramount in guiding the individual to spirituality. These ill-advised bishops cannot possibly know our hearts when they deny us communion. They are desecrating the Holy Eucharist by making it a weapon of division and exclusion.
"When we wear a rainbow sash, we are honestly expressing who we are."If one chooses to publicly proclaim an acceptance of morally reprehensible behavior, then one must suffer the ensuing consequences...One should also seek to enlighten one's mind with the truth and adhere to the teachings of the Church, lest one doom himself to an eternity of hell and scandalize others in the process.
"Bringing our honesty into the Church is a way of asking the Bishops to include all the Children of God into the Body of Christ, and to stop thinking they can make decisions for God.Christ Himself told us that the past was narrow and that we must suffer by taking up our crosses with Him. He also told us that if we love Him, we will keep His Commandments - ALL of them...He gave us no exemptions because we may not like this or that commandment.
"These Bishops need to be reminded they are pastors, while they call themselves Princes. Try finding that in the scriptures!"Which bishop calls himself a "prince"?
Murray questions why the Church hierarchy, which sets anti-gay and anti-war policies, gives communion to soldiers in uniform, but denies the Body of Christ to gays.Is it not a leap of logic to equate practicing homosexuals advocating gravely sinful behavior with soldiers who are defending our country?
"...They [American bishops] condemn our lifestyle as one of indulgence and profligacy, but fight our ability to commit to a partner in a civilly performed marriage. They are still demanding a 13th century lifestyle where they are the arbiters of right and wrong. They need to stop talking about us, and start talking to us. My partner of 27 years and I agree, they are hopelessly out of touch."God is truth and the Church reminds us and educates us in that truth. There are many who wish to deny the existence of an absolute truth, good and evil, right and wrong. Such has been the predicament of mankind since our first parents were persuaded by Satan's lies that they, too, could be like God.
Those who are "hopelessly out of touch" are those they who refuse to accept God's will and choose instead to fashion their own "morality" based upon immorality and sinfulness while attempting to force others to accept as good something which is intrinsically evil and which is a sure means to everlasting damnation.
May I show Christian charity by praying for Murray and those whose minds have been clouded by sin and whose hearts are hardened and opposed to the loving mercy of Jesus.

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