A good article from the National Catholic Register:
Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the Society [of Pope Pius X], was quoted July 8 saying, “This is really an historic day. We convey to Pope Benedict XVI our profound gratitude. His document is a gift of Grace. It’s not just any step, it’s a step in the right direction. It’s an act of justice, extraordinary supernatural help in a moment of grave ecclesial crisis.”
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“Pope Benedict has broken open the treasure chest of the Lord!” said Michael Dunnigan, chairman of Una Voce America, the largest lay organization in the U.S. promoting wider access to the traditional Mass.
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Father Joseph Kramer, parish priest at San Gregorio dei Muratori, one of three churches in Rome permitted to celebrate Mass using the 1962 Missal, said the document “went beyond what we could ever have hoped for.”
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“It’s a great godsend and something I and my friends have been praying for, for a long time,” said Luke De Weese, a Tridentine rite devotee from Lexington, Ky. “It was greater than I expected insofar as he made it very clear in the motu proprio, and in the accompanying letter, that the pre-conciliar liturgy was never abrogated.”
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