I first read about this request here. And, as expected, some bishops are ever so eager to join hands with the likes of Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro and other abortion supporters...
An interesting observation is made by CWNews' Diogenes:
"Our shared moral tradition..."But what we see appears to many to be irresponsible leadership on the part of USCCB. Is it any wonder that the USCCB is looked upon with disdain by a number of faithful Catholics? Will the USCCB ever be able to recover its squandered moral authority? Many think not, especially with reports like this.
. . .Who are these Democratic politicians, who find such a ready audience at the USCCB? They're Catholic members of the House of Representatives. And half of them-- including Rep. Tim Ryan, who is leading the charge on Iraq-- also signed a May public statement scolding Pope Benedict XVI for daring to say that Catholic politicians should oppose the legalized killing of unborn children.
. . .
... A concerned pastor might have told them that if they disregard the Church's teaching on a clear issue of moral teaching, they should not be so hypocritical as to invoke Church teaching on an issue that is not nearly so clear-- an issue on which loyal Catholics can and do differ. But the USCCB leaders didn't choose those options.
...responsible public leaders of the Catholic Church should not claim to share a moral tradition with politicians who support the slaughter of the unborn.

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