Saturday, November 17, 2007

Just for Today, November 18

Thou must pass through fire and water, before thou comest to refreshment.
- Bk. I, ch. xxii.

"Before I could sit down under his shadow, whom I desired (Cant. ii, 3), I had to go through many trials, but God's call became so insistent, that to answer it I would have passed through fire. The only soul I found to encourage me in my vocation was my beloved Pauline. Her heart was a faithful echo of mine, and without her support I should never have reached the blessed haven which had already sheltered her for five years.
For a List of Abbreviations, see this post.
Adapted from Just For Today(©1943 Burns & Oates)
Nihil Obstat: Reginaldus Phillips, S.T.L.,Censor deputatus
Imprimatur: Edwardus Myers, Vic. Cap.

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