Thursday, January 24, 2008

Please Help These Catholic Theology Students!

Our dear friend, Fr. Phillip Powell, O.P., writes:

My senior/grad theology seminar here at the Univ of Dallas is alled "Postmetaphysical
theologies." The class has a blogsite called "suppl(e)mental."

A major part of the students' grades hangs on "doing theology" in public. My goal here is to acquaint these budding Catholic theologians with the weirdnesses of reading, writing, and writing about Christian theology for an audience outside the academy.

The theologies we will be covering in the seminar are decidedly non-Catholic, sometimes downright (though never explicitly) anti-Catholic, and represent some of the best contemporary theology out there. My goal here is to introduce my very, very orthodox theologians-to-be to the veritable circus of theological methods, vocabularies, personalities, and schools that push and pull the faith of the Church in both creative and destructive directions.

Fr Powell will be assuming an additional role as something like "Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

These budding theologians will start posting on the 29th of January and do so regularly until May according to Fr Powell.

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