Monday, May 05, 2008

Calgary to get its own "Priestess"

On May 29, Monica Kilburn Smith of Calgary will be welcomed into the small worldwide community of female Roman Catholic priests.

Her ordination ceremony will take place in a United Church in Victoria and, of course, will not be recognized by the global Roman Catholic Church. However, Kilburn Smith and local supporters of major reform within the world's largest Christian church say it will be one more small step in a campaign to bring up questions, start discussion, open eyes and, eventually, win hearts....

Actually, it's one more step on the path to hell.

Local members of a group called Friends of Vatican II, who are working for reform within the Catholic church, say they don't hide their opinions when talking to other Catholics, but they don't actively try to proselytize.

"Friends of Vatican II"???? Sowing division and dissent while also trying to sever the Second Vatican Council from the the Church, as if it were a council completely independent from the Catholic Church? Clever, precisely what Satan would have them do!

"It's not about being contentious, but we believe there's a need for reform within the church to welcome both women and married male priests," says Fred Williams.

"Clearly the law is unjust. These people want to follow their conscience and their spiritual calling and to deny that is wrong."
Some think that the system that allows Fred and his buddies to continually breed contempt for the Church is unjust but they don't hold vigils at cathedrals across the world.

Echoing pretend "bishop" Patricia Fresen:
Kilburn Smith says the historic Catholic rejection of a female priesthood is akin to "gender apartheid" and amounts to a tragic waste of human potential at a time when many Catholic parishes worldwide are without priests.

Gender apartheid....One cannot help but wonder if these women and their cohorts are not possessed by the devil to some degree.

"It's like Rosa Parks; someone, somewhere has to be the first to stand up for what is right," says [Supporter Angelina] Waldon.

Injustice!!!, they all cry! They fail to understand that our Lord established the priesthood and did so for a purpose. Yet do we hear them them complaining that Jesus was "unjust" or bigoted? No, it's only His Church which has become so - by following what He commanded and handed on to the Apostles...How convenient for these historically challenged individuals.

As the spring sun warms the earth and thoughts turn to the leafy renewal of spring, Kilburn Smith is convinced a more inclusive Catholic Church will bloom in the years ahead.
What these confused people have planted has bloomed hundreds of times before - it is seeds of heresy, protestantism, apostasy, schism - all poison...They think they have something "new," yet all they have are the same old seeds of dissent and rebellion. The "hybrids" that they try to develop will wither and die and the Church will go on according to Christ's will...

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