The US bishops on Tuesday approved by a 203-5 vote the Revised Grail Psalter for use at Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours in the United States. By a 189-30 vote, the bishops also approved, with modifications, the International Committee for English in the Liturgy’s 2007 translation of the liturgical prayers for Masses in Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter....
God Is Not Catholic, Cardinal's Word of Honor
Carlo Maria Martini publishes a book "on the risk of faith," and calls for distrust of doctrinal definitions, because God "is beyond." But this brings the risk of emptying the articles of the Creed, object Professor Pietro De Marco. And he explains why....
[The good cardinal has is no longer Catholic...He's bitter and feels justified in spreading his heresy ]
Without The Coming of Christ, the World Will Not be Just or Renewed, Pope Teaches
"Every Christian discourse on the last things, called eschatology, always begins with the resurrection,” Pope Benedict began as he turned to Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians...
Bishops warn Obama about abortion issue
Official statement: we vow to oppose 'culture of coercion'
[A statement with no teeth to a marxist dictator supported by a majority of professed Catholics who suffer no consequences in this life for their actions. Nothing new here...]
Bishops conference cuts funding for ACORN
In wake of embezzlement scandal, voter registration fraud
[Until new methods of funding are found, no doubt. This is too little, too late. The warnings came years ago, but were ignored.]
Obama has first phone conversation with Pope
Neither leader made any reference to stem cell issue
Contrary to Campaign Claim, Obama Told Paper He Attended Trinity Church ‘Every Week’
President-elect Barack Obama said in 2004 – while he was a state legislator running for a U.S. Senate seat – that he attended services at Trinity United Church of Christ every week. This is in contrast to what Obama, as a presidential candidate, said this year after controversial anti-American remarks by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright surfaced. Obama then told news outlets that he did not attend the church frequently and was not aware of Wright’s comments.
[There is no truth in this man - he is a liar and a fraud]
Same-sex "marriage" begins in Connecticut [Sure it does]
First ceremony punctuated with tears, roses, balloons
[with Satan watching over with glee]
Former Milwaukee archbishop admits shuffling abusive priests
In a deposition made public yesterday, Archbishop Rembert Weakland, the former head of the Milwaukee archdiocese, conceded that he had knowingly assigned abusive priests to pastoral work and kept parishioners uninformed about the clerics' past offenses....
Group Confirms Obama Would Fund Forced Abortions if UNFPA Money Restored
Incoming president Barack Obama is considered very likely to restore funding to the UNFPA soon after he takes office in January. However, a group that has been the top monitor of the UN agency says Obama would be forcing taxpayers to fund a group involved in forced abortions if he does. As has reported, the Obama campaign confirmed to a pro-abortion web site that he would restore funding for the UNFPA...
Somali Islamic courts deny kidnapping nuns in Kenya
Group says they're 'against taking hostages for ransom'
Vatican clamps down on slackers at Curia
Timekeeping reintroduced after being scrapped in 1960
'Why Believe in a God?' ad campaign launches
American Humanist Association prepares for Christmas
{Satan's minions on the attack from another of several fronts]
Gay activists storm pulpit during Sunday worship
'Queers and trannies' target 'anti-queer establishment'
[Hose 'em down - with holy water!]
EXCLUSIVE: Did Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service Registration? Never Actually Register? Obama's Draft Registration Raises Serious Questions
To accept abortion is to challenge God, Lord of all things...
Abortion violates the universal order created by God, Who established the right to life as a fundamental right of man. No convenience of economics or politics, social consideration, question of health or other problem can justify an attempt against that universal order....
Us Supreme Court Clerk Danny Bickell Continues Sabotage Of NJ Citizen Law Suit Challenging 08 Election
As of 9:53 AM, November 13, 2008, the Docket for US Supreme Court case # 08A407 has still not been updated to reflect the fact that the case...

Many new supplicants are lining up for an infusion of capital as billions of dollars are channeled to other beneficiaries like the American International Group, and possibly soon American Express....
House Republican leader John Boehner Demands Fed Identify Recipients of Loans
Called for the Federal Reserve to disclose the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers and the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral....
Democratic Senator Unveils Mandatory Health Insurance Plan
The New York Times reports that Democratic senator Max Baucus will unveil his nationalized health care proposal today, and (surprise!) it would require all Americans to purchase health insurance...
{The people should ensure that Congress-criminals submit to mandatory intelligence and morality checks]
Democrats’ Auto Industry Bailout Is A UAW Bailout, Group Says
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is writing a bill that would allow the auto industry to get some of the $700 billion intended to restore liquidity in the nation’s financial markets. But a union watchdog group says Frank’s plan really is intended to bail out the United Auto Workers union. Under Frank’s legislation, car companies receiving bailout money would face tougher restrictions on executive pay and dividends to their shareholders.
[Bawnee Fwank and buddies need to keep buying votes]

Mysterious glowing aurora over Saturn confounds scientists
A stunning light display over Saturn has stumped scientists who say it behaves unlike any other planetary aurora known in our solar system.
Barbara Walters Exclusive: Pregnant "Man "Expecting Second Child
In First Interview Since Giving Birth, Thomas Beatie Tells Barbara Walters About Life With Daughter Susan
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