Wednesday, July 14, 2004

How Individual Senators Voted on Marriage Amendment Procedural Vote

Here is a link detailing how each senator voted. Not too surprisingly, three Democrat Senators for "YEA":
Byrd (WV), Miller (GA) and Nelson (NE). These brave souls should be commended for the vote and their courage.

11 of American Life League's "Deadly Dozen" (Pro-Abortion Senators who fraudulently claim to be Catholic) voted "NAY":

Kennedy (MA), Harkin (IA), Durbin (IL), Dodd (CT), Collins (ME, RINO), Reed (RI), Murray (WA), Landrieu (LA) Leahy (VT), Mikulski (MD), and Biden (DE). Of course, the last remaining member of the "Deadly Dozen", John 'Fraud' Kerry, did not vote.

These and the remaining 39 apparent supporters of sodomy, immorality, and the destruction of any remaining good, should be publicly chastized while kept in prayer, petitioning God to have mercy on them and on us.

It's scandalous when professed Catholics refuse to uphold the moral law. It reveals quite a bit about one's character - or more rightly speaking, the lack of character.

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