Wednesday, August 04, 2004

More Absurdities from the Sound Off Column

Church and voting

If the Catholic Church can tell its members not to vote for those politicians who support pro-choice, mainly Democrats, then it should also tell its members not to vote for those who support the concealed gun laws, mainly Republicans. Actually, the Catholic Church has no right at all to tell anyone how to vote.

The individual fails to distinquish anything which is intrinsically evil about guns or about carrying a concealed gun. But then, there is confusion in the individual's assertion about "how to vote". Even the polling place workers instruct new voters "how to vote". The Church informs the faithful how to apply Catholic moral teaching in voting - not for whom to vote.

It's unfortunate that so many people do not follow through to the logical conclusions in their thinking - if they did, perhaps, they might be less prone to speak out.

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