Thursday, April 21, 2005

Groundswell Swept Ratzinger Into Office

VATICAN CITY — Although the conclave officially began when the ornate doors of the Sistine Chapel closed Monday, the election of Pope Benedict XVI less than 24 hours later was virtually decided before the balloting began.
As Ratzinger gathered momentum during the conclave, some holdouts changed their votes "for the unity of the church," British Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor said. The fourth ballot resulted in victory Tuesday afternoon, a speedy outcome that seemed to awe the new pope.

"When the majority of 77 or 78 was reached, there was a gasp," Murphy-O'Connor said. "Everyone clapped. He had his head down. He must have said a prayer. I didn't see his face. He must have been aware this could happen, but when it does, it is a very special moment."
More here.

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