Tuesday, May 03, 2005

eBay Relents on Eucharist Policy in Response to Massive Protests

CYBERSPACE, May 3, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Online auctioneer, eBay, has finally changed its policy in the face of massive complaints about the sale of consecrated hosts. For weeks, the hugely successful eBay has been belittling and ignoring calls from Catholics, including bishops, to prohibit the sale of the holy Eucharist, the consecrated bread that Catholics believe is the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ and is described in Catholic theology as the ‘source and summit’ of Catholic spiritual life.

In an email, forwarded to LifeSiteNews.com, to eBay spokesman Edmund Leong said that the company had consulted with Catholic members and representatives of other religions and has decided to include the Eucharist as one of its off-limits items. A staffer writing on behalf of Bill Cobb of eBay’s Community Watch Team writes in his email, “We have concluded that sales of the Eucharist, and similar highly sacred items, are not appropriate on eBay. We have, therefore, broadened our policies and will remove those types of listings should they appear on the site in the future.”
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