Thursday, May 05, 2005

Urgent Appeal from the Friday Fax

Dear Colleague,

UN radicals met for a two week meeting in March and the pro-life and pro-family coalition was there. Radicals attempted ONCE MORE to make abortion a universally recognized human right. Once more they attempted to export the UN's extremist abortion policy to the rest of the world by using a UN document.

Like I said, we were there. Partway through the first week, we receive intelligence that the radical groups intended to issue a document in support of their pro-abortion position and that it would be signed by 300 groups. This document would have put immediate pressure on poor countries to support the radical abortion position.

Here is what we did.

We sent a message to the Friday Fax list, a list that now numbers 60,000 readers from all over the world. We sent an emergency message to this massive list and asked ORGANIZATIONS to send a note of support for the pro-life language in the document under debate.

Here is what happened.

Within two hours 400 groups had sent a message. Within eight hours this number had grown to 800. Within 24 hours this number had grown to 2000 groups from all over the world who wrote notes in support of our pro-life position.

And this is what we did then.

On the morning of March 8th, the US Ambassador to the UN held a briefing for non-governmental organizations attending the UN meeting. The US Mission to the UN was packed with friends, and also with enemies, those who want to force abortion on the developing world.

At a key moment in the briefing, I rose and presented the names of these 2000 groups to the US Ambassador to the United Nations. It was a stack of paper almost a foot high! There was thunderous applause from our friends and hisses and boos from our opponents. And this was precisely the encouragement the US needed at that moment to continue the pro-life fight.

In the end, we won that UN debate and a large part of the credit goes to those good folks on the Friday Fax list who answerer that emergency call that day in March.

Friends, the Friday Fax is a cornerstone of our ongoing UN pro-life fight. And now it is time for you to help the Friday Fax.

We need your sacrificial financial gift to keep the Friday Fax going. It costs around $100,000 per year to produce the Friday Fax. This money does not come from rich foundations like the ones that give billions of dollars to our enemies. This money does not come from governments that give billions of dollars to the enemies of life and family. THIS MONEY ONLY EVER COMES FROM YOU!

Friend, please go to and give as much as you possibly can in support of the Friday Fax.

We can continue winning the UN pro-life fight but we cannot do it without your immediate help. Please go to and give as much as you possibly can.

I will be back to you each week for the next six weeks to give you plenty of reasons to open up your wallet and your heart to our work.

Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
Editor in Chief
Friday Fax

PS You will be pleased to know that after we presented our 2000 names to the US Ambassador, our opponents chickened out and never even presented their puny 300! We can win friends. Help us do that.

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