Sunday, November 27, 2005

Catholic clergy will oppose embryonic cell research from pulpit

From the Post Dispatch we read this:
Every Roman Catholic in Missouri who goes to Mass this Sunday will hear a variation on the same homily. Reduced to its most basic message, it will go something like this:

Embryonic stem cell research is evil. Don't sign the petition.

[The Catholic Church] is using the first Sunday of Advent to kick off a campaign to keep Catholics from signing the petition and to teach them the Catholic view of the issue.
I wonder what other parishes besides Immaculate Conception-Dardenne decided to either ignore this subject or take it up at some other time? Apparently, the Post Dispatch didn't consider that some some parishes in the Archdiocese follow their own agendas despite the will of the lawful bishop.

One parish which did follow the request of Archbishop Burke was St Joesph's of Josephville where the message was loud and clear. Hopefully, most parishes demostrated their fidelity and obedience to their respective bishops in carrying out this campaign.

Anyway, to understand the infantile and irrational thinking of those who wish to "experiment" and kill innocent human life, we only need to read further:
Former U.S. Sen. John Danforth, who is the honorary co-chair of the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures and an ordained Episcopal priest, said people who oppose the initiative should ask themselves two questions. "First, do you believe the cells in the Petri dish are the equivalent to a 10-year-old child with a disease that may be preventable with this research?" he said. "And second, if you do believe that, do you believe the government should pass legislation to enact that religious proposition?"
This man is deluded! Anyone with any knowledge of the facts knows what he and others propose. He plays the devil's fool, attempting to play on peoples' emotions and on his record and status as an "ordained priest" to confuse and trick the people. His technique for propaganda would have been welcomed in Nazi Germany.

As difficult as it can be at times, we must pray for Danforth's immortal soul and the souls of others who wish to continue the cycle of killing our most innocent brothers and sisters...whether they be in the form of human embryos in a petri dish or the elderly and sick confined to hospitals or hospices and for all those in between. May these innocent souls be spared the experimentation and certain death by those who wish to reap untold profits by their evil endeavors.

Article here.

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