Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Distortions Continue to Spew Forth from St Stanislaus

Knowing that only those who are incapable of discerning fact from fiction might actually believe the fanciful tales coming from the mouths of those who have placed themselves above legitmate Church authority, one or more from St. Stanislaus has issued another stunning "Press Release".

Of course, little is new except that they have formally announced that they have placed themselves, along with their new priest (who has been stripped of his faculties), in a state of schism and open defiance and rebellion. But then, as I said, this is not new. Let us not forget that the Catechism tells us that schism is "...the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him." (CCC 2089)

The Catechism also states:
In fact, "in this one and only Church of God from its very beginnings there arose certain rifts, which the Apostle strongly censures as damnable. But in subsequent centuries much more serious dissensions appeared and large communities became separated from full communion with the Catholic Church - for which, often enough, men of both sides were to blame." The ruptures that wound the unity of Christ's Body - here we must distinguish heresy, apostasy, and schism - do not occur without human sin... (CCC 817, emphasis added)

Now to the enlightening and profound Press Release:
St. Stanislaus Kostka Polish Roman Catholic Church
1413 North 20th Street
St. Louis, Mo. 63106

December 3, 2005

Beginning in 2002, the conflict over property and complete control of our buildings and finances began with the archdiocese demands

In June 2004 against all religious law, and against all justice, the priests of our parish were removed.

St. Stanislaus has been without Roman Catholic religious leader ship since then.

During this time we, the Board of Directors and our parishioners have made numerous attempts to resolve this dispute through liberal proposals. People have come to our aid to assist in resolving this conflict; all were rebuffed by the Archbishop

All proposals, or recommendations made by any lay individual or team have been rejected by the archbishop.

Regardless of what was written in the archdiocese controlled media and stated from the St. Louis pulpits their words did not match the legal written documentation offered us.

In August of this year 2005, we, the Board of Directors requested direction from our parishioners as to the course to take.

They provided us by an overwhelming majority to seek another Roman Catholic Priest that neither may nor may not report to the Archdiocese.

Approximately 2 weeks ago in a final attempt to come to an acceptable mutual conclusion, our Board of Director Chairman and the Archbishop met.

The end result of this final meeting resulted again in a negative response from the archbishop. There would be no acceptance of any of our proposals.

This conflict is over.

St. Stanislaus Kostka has obtained a priest who is presently Roman Catholic, unmarried, and bi-lingual to permanently serve our religious needs.

Commencing on 20 December, Reverend Mark B. Bozek will become our pastor. He is from the Springfield Mo. Diocese.

His first mass as the Pastor at St. Stanislaus will be on Christmas Eve at 10:00 PM. He will celebrate mass on every Sunday and religious holiday thereafter.

We welcome this brave, religious and non political individual into our parish family.

To ST. Louis, the surrounding region, to those across this great land and to those in Poland and in Rome that have attempted to assist, thank you for your continued support and please come join us, we welcome you with open hearts.
______________ End of Press Release ____________

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