Monday, January 16, 2006

Letters to the Post - Charitable acts...

Charitable acts

I agree with recent letters that Catholics are to be credited with many successful charitable organizations, many under the guidance of Archbishop Raymond Burke. But another act by Archbishop Burke went unrecognized: The spending of $500,000 of parishioners' Sunday donations to keep the Rev. Thomas Graham, a convicted pedophile, out of jail and under the archbishop's protection.

Anthony Kaminski
St. Peters
Does Mr. Kaminksi even understand what a bond is? Apparently he doesn't seem to care if there was a miscarriage of justice. One would think from his remarks that Mr. Kaminski would prefer that innocent men go to jail while awaiting trial or an appeal.

Does getting to the truth mean anything to Mr. Kaminski? Perhaps the problems comes from living in the shadows for the past two plus years? Why would I say that?

I suspect that the real source of Mr. Kaminski's uncharitable attitude of innuendo stems from the fact that he is a St Stanislaus parisioner, who proclaims the good news of the new savior of St Stanislaus, Marek Bozek, all while arrogantly denying the authority of the Church and the lawful bishop delegated to govern the local church as noted here.
Anthony Kaminski, a St. Stanislaus parishioner, said Bozek's sacrifice was admirable. "He has taken this job to nurture the congregation," Kaminski said. "He deemed that we were ignored and threatened by our bishop, and he came to the rescue. I admire him."
Or here:
Parishioner Anthony Kaminski said, "It makes me quite upset because it leads other people to think we are rebels and non-believers and there's nothing farther from the truth. We've been law-abiding parishioners of the church for all these years and that's not going to change."
The defense rests!

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