Friday, January 20, 2006

The World Manifests a Creator and a Ruler

In order to lay a solid foundation for our inquiry into the true religion, we shall
begin with the existence of God.

By the word God we mean the First Cause of all things. Nothing happens of itself. Everything is caused by something preceding it. But we cannot go back forever, - we must stop somewhere. When we get back to the stopping-point we meet the Cause of all. This we call the First Cause. Since it causes everything else and itself was not caused, it has in itself its own existence neces­sarily. Now we shall show that this First Cause is personal, an infinitely intelligent and powerful Being.

If we look at a watch and observe its wonder­ful mechanism and unity of design, we say that its maker is a person of intelligence and skill. Now if we can point to something that shows infinite power and intelligence, we may say that it calls for an infinitely powerful and intelligent maker. Let us consider the world.

The earth turns upon its axis once in twenty­-four hours. In so doing it shows the expenditure of great energy. The sun, whose seemingly limitless energy confounds calculation, shines in the heavens. Moreover, the earth travels in its orbit, causing the changing seasons, a further demonstration of immeasurable energy. On a starry night the eye searches great distances and beholds the constellations, the planets, and the whole solar system moving around the sun, to say nothing of the mysteries of the infinite beyond. Truly limitless energy with its ef­fects is plainly visible.

Furthermore, note that the great machine of the universe is running on time, even to the second. Our finest watches are but a feeble imitation of the world clock. We regu­late our watches by the world clock.

What is the best human timepiece com­pared with the wonderful mechanism of the universe, so infallible, so reliable throughout the years, in fact throughout all the centuries? Here we have infinite energy with unvarying precision plainly visible. Now let us analyze this. Man has never been able to create a single footpound of force. With coal and water power, steam and electricity, he can transform force, but he cannot make it. The power to make force exists above the possi­bilities of man, - it is a creative act demand­ing infinite power.

There is no bridge between nothing and something; such a chaos is spanned only by infinitude. The First Cause of force in its various manifestations is the Creator. That Creator is not only the Architect of the uni­verse, but He maintains its infinite machinery in marvellous motion and accuracy. The greatest piece of mechanism, the most stu­pendous feat of engineering, the sublime mys­tery of world dynamics, the infinitude of the firmament, demonstrate a Creator and Ruler of the world, an intelligent and personal God.
Adapted from God and Myself, An Inquiry into the True Religion (©1917)
by Martin J Scott, S.J.

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